Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 4

The Workout

Yesterday was a rest day and it was wonderful! I had planned on catching a few more hours of sleep than what I actually did, but other than that, very restful. Getting the proper amount of sleep helps me stay on track and keep active. The way I see it, there are three ways to fuel your body; food, water, and sleep. People focus a lot on the first two and neglect sleep, but trust me, it is necessary to be healthy!!

The Dinner

Last night we had some home made Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry!! Yum....

Zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, and squash.....

I love colorful meals!!

Since I had been working so hard on resting ;) I decided I deserved a treat!!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!! Is there even one bad word in that sentence?? No. There is not.

The Breakfast

 Peanut Butter Cup Protein Smoothie!!

I tried to drink it from the blender (I know, hard core right?) but it was so think I put it in a bowl and ate it with a spoon!! Whatever works just get in my belly!!!

Day 4

 Well the days of the 'cutesy' gifts are over. If you missed them be sure to take a look!!
Now the gifts are things that he actually needs or wants..... Like shoes!!

These are the shoes I bought him.

I put them in the closet with a balloon....

His words? SCORE!!

I know, I know...... New shoes are too extravagant in this economy. What can I say? He is spoiled. ;)

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