Friday, September 7, 2012

A Date And A Workout

The Date

Well since I won't be seeing Nathan for practically the entire weekend, we figured we should go ahead and have a date night.

We went to a local steakhouse and even though I had just done a great workout, I surprisingly was not hungry at all. When I said that I didn't want an appetizer, Nathan jumped at the rare opportunity to order the one appetizer I will NOT eat......


ugh... Gag me with a spork.....

"Hey guys! Lets pluck this fungus off of this tree, bread it and deep fry it!! It'll be great!!"

I feel like there should be some creepy Halloween music playing. They look like deep fried troll brains!!

That didn't stop my Nathan though. Yup, that's right. He ate the whole basket....... I'm strangely proud.


My dinner was much more appetizing. I ordered the Anything and Everything Salad. With no tomatoes. So I guess it was an Anything and Almost Everything salad!!

Oh, Yum.

If heaven has salads, I bet this is on the list.

I only ate half and so I will be eating the other half tonight for dinner. Nathan is gone and I hate cooking for one. I had planned to try my hand at a pizza with a crust made from cauliflower, but maybe some other time.

The Workout

So tonight's workout should be pretty great. I have not done this one myself yet so I'm a little nervous about sharing it before I take it for a test drive. But I'm sure it will be fine. If I make any modifications to it I will be sure and update it. If you try it out be sure to let me know what you think!!

What is one thing that you refuse to eat? Does your spouse/significant other love it?

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